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Turn outdated into automated

Turn outdated into automated

Take care of what's important. Automate the rest.
Streamline repetitive tasks and paperless processes with Microsoft Power Automate—so you can focus your attention where it’s needed most.


Power Automate Overview

Discover how you can work less and do more. With Microsoft Power Automate, previously Microsoft Flow, you will be able to automate your repetitive daily tasks.

Automate manual processes to improve efficiency with Power Automate

In this video, you will learn a better way to get things done across your organization through digital and robotic process automation with Microsoft Power Automate.


Automate Screen

Editions & Pricing

All Plans Include

Premium Services
Create unlimited automated workflows and powerful multi-step processes
Connect to cloud-based services like Dropbox, Twitter, and Excel
Use premium services like Salesforce and Common Data Service
Access on-premises data using on-premises data gateway
Publish flows to the public gallery
Access your flows on native apps for iOS and Android
Create flows from thousands of templates available in the public gallery
Publish flows to the public gallery
SLA of 99.9%

Power Automate per flow plan

Power Automate per user with attended RPA plan

Power Automate hosted RPA

    / Add-on License / Month
    For 5 Add-on Licenses And Above
    12 month contract
  • or
  • £986.40
    / Add-on License / Year
    For 5 Add-on Licenses And Above
    1 year contract
  • or
  • £98.64
    / Add-on License / Month
    For 5 Add-on Licenses And Above
    1 month contract
    / User / Year
    For 1 User And Above
    1 year contract
  • or
  • £39.48
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    1 month contract
  • or
  • £32.90
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    12 month contract
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    12 month contract
  • or
  • £212.04
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    1 month contract
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Implement flows with reserved capacity for unlimited users across your organization.
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Includes Power Automate per user plan with an attended RPA
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Add-on to Power Automate Premium or cross-platform SKU that allows users to run robotic process automation (RPA) as a service with hosted machine options


1 User


1 User

Power Apps and Power Automate capacity add-on

Power Automate Premium

Power Automate per user plan

    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    12 month contract
  • or
  • £49.32
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    1 month contract
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    12 month contract
  • or
  • £14.76
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    1 month contract
    / User / Year
    For 1 User And Above
    1 year contract
  • or
  • £14.76
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    1 month contract
  • or
  • £12.30
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
    12 month contract
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Each license includes an additional 50,000 daily Power Platform Requests and is assignable to a single user OR multiple users and/or business processes.
Price Excluding 20% VAT
Allow licensed users to automate modern applications via API-based Digital Process Automation (cloud flows) and legacy applications via UI-based Robotic Process Automation (desktop flows) in attended mode. Users can create and run unlimited flows.
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Allow individual users to create unlimited flows based on their unique needs.


0 Users

Power Automate per flow plan

    / Add-on License / Month
    For 5 Add-on Licenses And Above
  • or
  • £986.40
    / Add-on License / Year
    For 5 Add-on Licenses And Above
  • or
  • £98.64
    / Add-on License / Month
    For 5 Add-on Licenses And Above
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Implement flows with reserved capacity for unlimited users across your organization.


1 User

Power Automate per user with attended RPA plan

    / User / Year
    For 1 User And Above
  • or
  • £39.48
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
  • or
  • £32.90
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Includes Power Automate per user plan with an attended RPA


1 User

Power Automate hosted RPA

    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
  • or
  • £212.04
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Add-on to Power Automate Premium or cross-platform SKU that allows users to run robotic process automation (RPA) as a service with hosted machine options

Power Apps and Power Automate capacity add-on

    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
  • or
  • £49.32
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Each license includes an additional 50,000 daily Power Platform Requests and is assignable to a single user OR multiple users and/or business processes.

Power Automate Premium

    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
  • or
  • £14.76
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
Price Excluding 20% VAT
Allow licensed users to automate modern applications via API-based Digital Process Automation (cloud flows) and legacy applications via UI-based Robotic Process Automation (desktop flows) in attended mode. Users can create and run unlimited flows.

Power Automate per user plan

    / User / Year
    For 1 User And Above
  • or
  • £14.76
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
  • or
  • £12.30
    / User / Month
    For 1 User And Above
Prices exc. 20% VAT
Allow individual users to create unlimited flows based on their unique needs.


0 Users